
Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station

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Daily Report for the month of Juli 2024

1 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 22.0°C
Average humidity 77%
Average dewpoint 17.6°C
Average barometer 1012.4 hPa
Average windspeed 1.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.8 m/s
Average direction 297° (VNV)
Rainfall for month 1.1 mm
Rainfall for year 444.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 01 at 10:35
Maximum temperature 26.2°C on 01 at 16:08
Minimum temperature 18.8°C on 01 at 05:26
Maximum humidity 93% on 01 at 06:34
Minimum humidity 57% on 01 at 17:35
Maximum pressure 1014.6 hPa on 01 at 10:08
Minimum pressure 1010.4 hPa on 01 at 20:08
Maximum windspeed 5.1 m/s on 01 at 14:11
Maximum gust speed 8.2 m/s from 341°(NNV) on 01 at 14:22
Maximum heat index 27.1°C on 01 at 16:08

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2 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 19.6°C
Average humidity 62%
Average dewpoint 11.7°C
Average barometer 1012.5 hPa
Average windspeed 2.6 m/s
Average gustspeed 4.6 m/s
Average direction 314° (NV)
Rainfall for month 1.1 mm
Rainfall for year 444.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 02 at 23:58
Maximum temperature 24.5°C on 02 at 17:15
Minimum temperature 15.1°C on 02 at 23:58
Maximum humidity 84% on 02 at 05:25
Minimum humidity 40% on 02 at 17:23
Maximum pressure 1014.2 hPa on 02 at 10:03
Minimum pressure 1011.0 hPa on 02 at 18:00
Maximum windspeed 7.7 m/s on 02 at 10:54
Maximum gust speed 11.3 m/s from 349°(N) on 02 at 11:45
Maximum heat index 25.6°C on 02 at 17:07

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3 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 17.6°C
Average humidity 73%
Average dewpoint 12.7°C
Average barometer 1010.6 hPa
Average windspeed 1.3 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.1 m/s
Average direction 318° (NV)
Rainfall for month 1.2 mm
Rainfall for year 444.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 03 at 12:56
Maximum temperature 23.3°C on 03 at 16:34
Minimum temperature 12.7°C on 03 at 03:47
Maximum humidity 89% on 03 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 55% on 03 at 17:53
Maximum pressure 1012.5 hPa on 03 at 00:27
Minimum pressure 1008.5 hPa on 03 at 17:55
Maximum windspeed 3.6 m/s on 03 at 17:39
Maximum gust speed 5.7 m/s from 052°(N) on 03 at 17:39
Maximum heat index 25.0°C on 03 at 16:29

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4 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 19.0°C
Average humidity 69%
Average dewpoint 12.5°C
Average barometer 1011.7 hPa
Average windspeed 2.3 m/s
Average gustspeed 3.6 m/s
Average direction 282° (VNV)
Rainfall for month 1.2 mm
Rainfall for year 444.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 04 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 25.3°C on 04 at 15:48
Minimum temperature 13.2°C on 04 at 04:10
Maximum humidity 94% on 04 at 06:02
Minimum humidity 42% on 04 at 14:56
Maximum pressure 1013.2 hPa on 04 at 10:33
Minimum pressure 1009.8 hPa on 04 at 00:11
Maximum windspeed 6.7 m/s on 04 at 09:30
Maximum gust speed 9.3 m/s from 286°(VNV) on 04 at 09:37
Maximum heat index 26.0°C on 04 at 15:45

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5 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 21.9°C
Average humidity 61%
Average dewpoint 13.6°C
Average barometer 1015.0 hPa
Average windspeed 2.5 m/s
Average gustspeed 4.0 m/s
Average direction 271° (V)
Rainfall for month 1.3 mm
Rainfall for year 444.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 05 at 09:35
Maximum temperature 29.1°C on 05 at 17:35
Minimum temperature 14.9°C on 05 at 05:41
Maximum humidity 85% on 05 at 05:52
Minimum humidity 40% on 05 at 18:14
Maximum pressure 1017.0 hPa on 05 at 08:17
Minimum pressure 1012.6 hPa on 05 at 00:21
Maximum windspeed 6.7 m/s on 05 at 13:06
Maximum gust speed 10.8 m/s from 276°(V) on 05 at 13:25
Maximum heat index 29.0°C on 05 at 17:25

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6 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 23.9°C
Average humidity 62%
Average dewpoint 15.6°C
Average barometer 1010.7 hPa
Average windspeed 3.0 m/s
Average gustspeed 5.0 m/s
Average direction 176° (S)
Rainfall for month 1.4 mm
Rainfall for year 444.4 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 06 at 00:02
Maximum temperature 30.7°C on 06 at 14:44
Minimum temperature 14.7°C on 06 at 06:02
Maximum humidity 91% on 06 at 06:42
Minimum humidity 41% on 06 at 14:24
Maximum pressure 1014.4 hPa on 06 at 00:15
Minimum pressure 1006.9 hPa on 06 at 20:30
Maximum windspeed 9.3 m/s on 06 at 14:35
Maximum gust speed 13.9 m/s from 192°(SSV) on 06 at 14:25
Maximum heat index 31.0°C on 06 at 14:49

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7 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 22.7°C
Average humidity 70%
Average dewpoint 16.9°C
Average barometer 1014.7 hPa
Average windspeed 2.0 m/s
Average gustspeed 3.2 m/s
Average direction 298° (VNV)
Rainfall for month 1.7 mm
Rainfall for year 444.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.2 mm on 07 at 19:51
Maximum temperature 28.2°C on 07 at 16:53
Minimum temperature 19.1°C on 07 at 05:51
Maximum humidity 84% on 07 at 23:40
Minimum humidity 53% on 07 at 17:52
Maximum pressure 1016.9 hPa on 07 at 23:17
Minimum pressure 1008.4 hPa on 07 at 00:07
Maximum windspeed 6.2 m/s on 06 at 00:49
Maximum gust speed 8.2 m/s from 281°(V) on 07 at 00:49
Maximum heat index 29.2°C on 07 at 16:51

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8 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 23.6°C
Average humidity 74%
Average dewpoint 18.4°C
Average barometer 1018.4 hPa
Average windspeed 1.5 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.4 m/s
Average direction 339° (NNV)
Rainfall for month 3.8 mm
Rainfall for year 446.8 mm
Maximum rain per minute 1.8 mm on 08 at 05:52
Maximum temperature 30.3°C on 08 at 16:32
Minimum temperature 18.4°C on 08 at 05:54
Maximum humidity 94% on 08 at 05:54
Minimum humidity 53% on 08 at 16:47
Maximum pressure 1019.9 hPa on 08 at 21:53
Minimum pressure 1016.5 hPa on 08 at 00:33
Maximum windspeed 3.6 m/s on 08 at 15:37
Maximum gust speed 5.1 m/s from 333°(NNV) on 08 at 17:00
Maximum heat index 32.4°C on 08 at 16:20

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9 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.4°C
Average humidity 70%
Average dewpoint 19.8°C
Average barometer 1019.2 hPa
Average windspeed 1.1 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.9 m/s
Average direction 39° (N)
Rainfall for month 3.9 mm
Rainfall for year 446.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 09 at 15:42
Maximum temperature 33.6°C on 09 at 14:47
Minimum temperature 18.0°C on 09 at 05:51
Maximum humidity 92% on 09 at 06:40
Minimum humidity 49% on 09 at 14:47
Maximum pressure 1020.6 hPa on 09 at 06:33
Minimum pressure 1017.6 hPa on 09 at 19:25
Maximum windspeed 3.1 m/s on 09 at 15:56
Maximum gust speed 4.6 m/s from 096°() on 09 at 12:56
Maximum heat index 38.2°C on 09 at 14:41

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10 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.1°C
Average humidity 65%
Average dewpoint 20.2°C
Average barometer 1016.9 hPa
Average windspeed 1.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.8 m/s
Average direction 187° (S)
Rainfall for month 3.9 mm
Rainfall for year 446.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 10 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 35.3°C on 10 at 13:23
Minimum temperature 19.9°C on 10 at 05:54
Maximum humidity 92% on 10 at 07:07
Minimum humidity 42% on 10 at 13:58
Maximum pressure 1018.3 hPa on 10 at 08:55
Minimum pressure 1014.5 hPa on 10 at 19:27
Maximum windspeed 8.2 m/s on 10 at 23:02
Maximum gust speed 13.4 m/s from 283°(VNV) on 10 at 23:02
Maximum heat index 38.8°C on 10 at 13:23

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11 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.5°C
Average humidity 67%
Average dewpoint 19.3°C
Average barometer 1017.4 hPa
Average windspeed 1.2 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.0 m/s
Average direction 306° (NV)
Rainfall for month 4.9 mm
Rainfall for year 447.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 11 at 04:02
Maximum temperature 34.6°C on 11 at 17:54
Minimum temperature 20.1°C on 11 at 06:04
Maximum humidity 88% on 11 at 07:55
Minimum humidity 39% on 11 at 16:51
Maximum pressure 1019.1 hPa on 11 at 02:41
Minimum pressure 1015.6 hPa on 11 at 20:04
Maximum windspeed 3.6 m/s on 11 at 12:47
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 268°(V) on 11 at 02:43
Maximum heat index 37.7°C on 11 at 17:47

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12 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 24.8°C
Average humidity 76%
Average dewpoint 19.8°C
Average barometer 1013.0 hPa
Average windspeed 1.6 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.6 m/s
Average direction 213° (SSV)
Rainfall for month 10.4 mm
Rainfall for year 453.4 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.8 mm on 12 at 18:41
Maximum temperature 33.8°C on 12 at 16:24
Minimum temperature 19.3°C on 12 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 91% on 12 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 46% on 12 at 16:31
Maximum pressure 1016.7 hPa on 12 at 00:01
Minimum pressure 1008.1 hPa on 12 at 21:11
Maximum windspeed 10.3 m/s on 12 at 18:33
Maximum gust speed 16.5 m/s from 284°(VNV) on 12 at 18:34
Maximum heat index 38.3°C on 12 at 15:20

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13 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 23.8°C
Average humidity 75%
Average dewpoint 18.8°C
Average barometer 1012.6 hPa
Average windspeed 1.5 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.5 m/s
Average direction 306° (NV)
Rainfall for month 10.6 mm
Rainfall for year 453.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 13 at 06:35
Maximum temperature 30.1°C on 13 at 17:46
Minimum temperature 19.0°C on 13 at 01:19
Maximum humidity 94% on 13 at 07:23
Minimum humidity 50% on 13 at 17:44
Maximum pressure 1014.1 hPa on 13 at 10:25
Minimum pressure 1010.1 hPa on 13 at 03:01
Maximum windspeed 4.6 m/s on 13 at 10:05
Maximum gust speed 7.2 m/s from 314°(NV) on 13 at 11:04
Maximum heat index 31.5°C on 13 at 17:37

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14 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 25.4°C
Average humidity 67%
Average dewpoint 18.4°C
Average barometer 1014.1 hPa
Average windspeed 1.5 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.4 m/s
Average direction 329° (NNV)
Rainfall for month 10.6 mm
Rainfall for year 453.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 14 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 32.3°C on 14 at 16:49
Minimum temperature 20.0°C on 14 at 06:22
Maximum humidity 87% on 14 at 03:06
Minimum humidity 45% on 14 at 17:54
Maximum pressure 1015.6 hPa on 14 at 23:55
Minimum pressure 1012.5 hPa on 14 at 00:05
Maximum windspeed 4.6 m/s on 14 at 09:45
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 306°(NV) on 14 at 12:55
Maximum heat index 34.2°C on 14 at 16:00

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15 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 27.0°C
Average humidity 66%
Average dewpoint 19.4°C
Average barometer 1015.0 hPa
Average windspeed 1.0 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.7 m/s
Average direction 333° (NNV)
Rainfall for month 10.6 mm
Rainfall for year 453.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 15 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 35.2°C on 15 at 17:16
Minimum temperature 20.5°C on 15 at 05:09
Maximum humidity 88% on 15 at 07:04
Minimum humidity 40% on 15 at 17:31
Maximum pressure 1016.8 hPa on 15 at 07:54
Minimum pressure 1012.8 hPa on 15 at 20:15
Maximum windspeed 3.1 m/s on 15 at 15:09
Maximum gust speed 5.1 m/s from 356°(N) on 15 at 15:09
Maximum heat index 38.4°C on 15 at 16:41

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16 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.9°C
Average humidity 64%
Average dewpoint 18.8°C
Average barometer 1013.6 hPa
Average windspeed 1.9 m/s
Average gustspeed 3.1 m/s
Average direction 295° (VNV)
Rainfall for month 10.6 mm
Rainfall for year 453.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 16 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 33.8°C on 16 at 15:22
Minimum temperature 19.8°C on 16 at 06:03
Maximum humidity 88% on 16 at 06:52
Minimum humidity 42% on 16 at 18:05
Maximum pressure 1017.4 hPa on 16 at 23:58
Minimum pressure 1011.6 hPa on 16 at 03:28
Maximum windspeed 6.2 m/s on 16 at 12:51
Maximum gust speed 8.7 m/s from 277°(V) on 16 at 14:23
Maximum heat index 36.4°C on 16 at 13:40

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17 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 24.7°C
Average humidity 61%
Average dewpoint 16.3°C
Average barometer 1020.0 hPa
Average windspeed 2.2 m/s
Average gustspeed 3.7 m/s
Average direction 328° (NNV)
Rainfall for month 10.7 mm
Rainfall for year 453.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 17 at 03:42
Maximum temperature 30.1°C on 17 at 12:49
Minimum temperature 18.6°C on 17 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 78% on 17 at 07:22
Minimum humidity 40% on 17 at 12:33
Maximum pressure 1022.7 hPa on 17 at 23:58
Minimum pressure 1017.0 hPa on 17 at 00:28
Maximum windspeed 7.2 m/s on 17 at 14:06
Maximum gust speed 11.3 m/s from 330°(NNV) on 17 at 13:45
Maximum heat index 30.6°C on 17 at 12:47

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18 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 24.0°C
Average humidity 60%
Average dewpoint 15.0°C
Average barometer 1022.3 hPa
Average windspeed 1.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.7 m/s
Average direction 351° (N)
Rainfall for month 11.0 mm
Rainfall for year 454.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 18 at 05:05
Maximum temperature 32.7°C on 18 at 15:07
Minimum temperature 15.9°C on 18 at 05:28
Maximum humidity 86% on 18 at 06:42
Minimum humidity 35% on 18 at 15:20
Maximum pressure 1023.5 hPa on 18 at 08:06
Minimum pressure 1020.7 hPa on 18 at 18:50
Maximum windspeed 4.6 m/s on 18 at 15:45
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 06°(N) on 18 at 15:46
Maximum heat index 33.0°C on 18 at 14:59

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19 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 25.4°C
Average humidity 55%
Average dewpoint 15.2°C
Average barometer 1019.9 hPa
Average windspeed 1.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.7 m/s
Average direction 359° (N)
Rainfall for month 11.0 mm
Rainfall for year 454.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 19 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 32.1°C on 19 at 15:44
Minimum temperature 17.6°C on 19 at 06:16
Maximum humidity 78% on 19 at 06:53
Minimum humidity 35% on 19 at 14:12
Maximum pressure 1022.2 hPa on 19 at 08:32
Minimum pressure 1016.9 hPa on 19 at 19:27
Maximum windspeed 4.6 m/s on 19 at 15:16
Maximum gust speed 7.7 m/s from 016°(NN) on 19 at 14:32
Maximum heat index 32.2°C on 19 at 15:39

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20 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 23.3°C
Average humidity 64%
Average dewpoint 16.0°C
Average barometer 1013.6 hPa
Average windspeed 0.8 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.4 m/s
Average direction 329° (NNV)
Rainfall for month 11.0 mm
Rainfall for year 454.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 20 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 29.3°C on 20 at 11:47
Minimum temperature 17.0°C on 20 at 05:44
Maximum humidity 78% on 20 at 05:57
Minimum humidity 50% on 20 at 12:24
Maximum pressure 1017.3 hPa on 20 at 00:15
Minimum pressure 1011.0 hPa on 20 at 23:40
Maximum windspeed 2.6 m/s on 20 at 11:57
Maximum gust speed 4.1 m/s from 05°(N) on 20 at 11:53
Maximum heat index 30.2°C on 20 at 11:47

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21 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 25.3°C
Average humidity 61%
Average dewpoint 16.2°C
Average barometer 1010.5 hPa
Average windspeed 1.0 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.7 m/s
Average direction 318° (NV)
Rainfall for month 11.0 mm
Rainfall for year 454.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 21 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 33.8°C on 21 at 17:25
Minimum temperature 17.1°C on 21 at 05:01
Maximum humidity 89% on 21 at 06:33
Minimum humidity 32% on 21 at 18:25
Maximum pressure 1011.4 hPa on 21 at 01:53
Minimum pressure 1009.3 hPa on 21 at 19:06
Maximum windspeed 3.6 m/s on 21 at 14:31
Maximum gust speed 4.6 m/s from 338°(NNV) on 21 at 14:51
Maximum heat index 34.2°C on 21 at 14:18

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22 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 24.4°C
Average humidity 66%
Average dewpoint 17.2°C
Average barometer 1013.8 hPa
Average windspeed 2.3 m/s
Average gustspeed 3.6 m/s
Average direction 286° (VNV)
Rainfall for month 11.1 mm
Rainfall for year 454.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 22 at 03:38
Maximum temperature 32.5°C on 22 at 13:55
Minimum temperature 16.1°C on 22 at 05:31
Maximum humidity 86% on 22 at 06:20
Minimum humidity 44% on 22 at 15:42
Maximum pressure 1018.1 hPa on 22 at 23:38
Minimum pressure 1011.1 hPa on 22 at 00:05
Maximum windspeed 6.7 m/s on 22 at 16:49
Maximum gust speed 10.3 m/s from 294°(VNV) on 22 at 15:05
Maximum heat index 35.1°C on 22 at 13:11

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23 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 25.5°C
Average humidity 63%
Average dewpoint 17.5°C
Average barometer 1017.9 hPa
Average windspeed 1.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.7 m/s
Average direction 308° (NV)
Rainfall for month 11.1 mm
Rainfall for year 454.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 23 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 31.3°C on 23 at 15:46
Minimum temperature 20.5°C on 23 at 06:04
Maximum humidity 83% on 23 at 06:41
Minimum humidity 40% on 23 at 15:48
Maximum pressure 1019.9 hPa on 23 at 09:28
Minimum pressure 1015.8 hPa on 23 at 19:05
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on 23 at 14:01
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 291°(VNV) on 23 at 12:21
Maximum heat index 32.1°C on 23 at 12:48

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24 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 22.7°C
Average humidity 63%
Average dewpoint 14.8°C
Average barometer 1016.0 hPa
Average windspeed 2.2 m/s
Average gustspeed 3.6 m/s
Average direction 310° (NV)
Rainfall for month 11.1 mm
Rainfall for year 454.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 24 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 29.4°C on 24 at 15:12
Minimum temperature 16.8°C on 24 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 82% on 24 at 05:37
Minimum humidity 37% on 24 at 15:13
Maximum pressure 1017.2 hPa on 24 at 22:20
Minimum pressure 1014.8 hPa on 24 at 15:26
Maximum windspeed 6.7 m/s on 24 at 15:43
Maximum gust speed 10.8 m/s from 291°(VNV) on 24 at 15:00
Maximum heat index 28.9°C on 24 at 14:48

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25 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 20.9°C
Average humidity 62%
Average dewpoint 12.7°C
Average barometer 1015.9 hPa
Average windspeed 1.4 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.3 m/s
Average direction 331° (NNV)
Rainfall for month 11.1 mm
Rainfall for year 454.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 25 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 28.1°C on 25 at 16:12
Minimum temperature 14.0°C on 25 at 05:55
Maximum humidity 86% on 25 at 06:30
Minimum humidity 34% on 25 at 17:33
Maximum pressure 1017.4 hPa on 25 at 08:44
Minimum pressure 1013.5 hPa on 25 at 19:02
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on 25 at 17:25
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 278°(V) on 25 at 15:58
Maximum heat index 27.6°C on 25 at 16:10

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26 Juli Average and Extremes
Average temperature 21.8°C
Average humidity 58%
Average dewpoint 11.9°C
Average barometer 1015.0 hPa
Average windspeed 0.9 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.5 m/s
Average direction 62° (N)
Rainfall for month 11.2 mm
Rainfall for year 454.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.1 mm on 26 at 05:20
Maximum temperature 29.7°C on 26 at 15:53
Minimum temperature 12.2°C on 26 at 05:34
Maximum humidity 91% on 26 at 06:09
Minimum humidity 30% on 26 at 15:53
Maximum pressure 1015.8 hPa on 26 at 23:54
Minimum pressure 1013.9 hPa on 26 at 16:47
Maximum windspeed 3.6 m/s on 26 at 14:38
Maximum gust speed 5.7 m/s from 153°(SS) on 26 at 14:25
Maximum heat index 28.5°C on 26 at 17:03

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Average and Extremes for Month of Juli 2024 up to day 26
Average temperature 23.7°C
Average humidity 66%
Average dewpoint 16.4°C
Average barometer 1015.1 hPa
Average windspeed 1.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.8 m/s
Average direction 306° (NV)
Rainfall for month 11.5 mm
Rainfall for year 455.4 mm
Maximum rain per minute 1.8 mm on 08 at 05:52
Maximum temperature 35.3°C on 10 at 13:23
Minimum temperature 12.2°C on 26 at 05:34
Maximum humidity 94% on 13 at 07:23
Minimum humidity 30% on 26 at 15:53
Maximum pressure 1023.5 hPa on 18 at 08:06
Minimum pressure 1006.9 hPa on 06 at 20:30
Maximum windspeed 10.3 m/s from 287°(VNV) on 12 at 18:33
Maximum gust speed 16.5 m/s from 293°(VNV) on 12 at 18:34
Maximum heat index 38.8°C on 10 at 13:23
Avg daily max temp 30.6°C
Avg daily min temp 17.3°C
Growing degrees days341.2 GDD

Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV
01 04:30hrs ET :4.1 mm 1135.7 W/m2 8.0 uv
02 08:00hrs ET :5.8 mm 1135.4 W/m2 8.0 uv
03 03:00hrs ET :3.7 mm 1168.3 W/m2 8.0 uv
04 08:36hrs ET :5.3 mm 1054.5 W/m2 7.0 uv
05 11:18hrs ET :7.0 mm 1198.4 W/m2 8.0 uv
06 09:24hrs ET :6.9 mm 976.8 W/m2 7.0 uv
07 05:00hrs ET :5.0 mm 1141.3 W/m2 8.0 uv
08 07:36hrs ET :5.6 mm 998.7 W/m2 9.0 uv
09 11:42hrs ET :6.1 mm 895.0 W/m2 8.0 uv
10 09:06hrs ET :6.4 mm 945.0 W/m2 8.0 uv
11 09:06hrs ET :6.1 mm 952.0 W/m2 8.0 uv
12 05:24hrs ET :5.2 mm 965.6 W/m2 8.0 uv
13 06:54hrs ET :5.1 mm 1070.4 W/m2 9.0 uv
14 12:36hrs ET :7.0 mm 883.3 W/m2 8.0 uv
15 10:54hrs ET :7.1 mm 1001.8 W/m2 9.0 uv
16 10:54hrs ET :7.1 mm 1042.8 W/m2 9.0 uv
17 09:42hrs ET :6.0 mm 1011.5 W/m2 9.0 uv
18 12:00hrs ET :6.4 mm 867.0 W/m2 8.0 uv
19 12:06hrs ET :6.7 mm 863.7 W/m2 8.0 uv
20 02:06hrs ET :4.1 mm 898.1 W/m2 8.0 uv
21 12:24hrs ET :6.9 mm 901.6 W/m2 8.0 uv
22 06:42hrs ET :6.3 mm 998.1 W/m2 9.0 uv
23 06:06hrs ET :5.7 mm 1099.1 W/m2 10.0 uv
24 05:54hrs ET :5.3 mm 891.9 W/m2 8.0 uv
25 07:48hrs ET :4.9 mm 984.3 W/m2 9.0 uv
26 09:36hrs ET :5.7 mm 879.6 W/m2 8.0 uv

Daily Rain Totals
01.1 mm on 1
00.1 mm on 3
00.1 mm on 5
00.1 mm on 6
00.3 mm on 7
02.1 mm on 8
00.1 mm on 9
01.0 mm on 11
05.5 mm on 12
00.2 mm on 13
00.1 mm on 17
00.3 mm on 18
00.1 mm on 22
00.1 mm on 26